Vi har utvecklat Scribbrs Förbättringsmodell © särskilt för korrekturläsning av examensarbeten. När din korrekturläsare granskar ditt arbete kommer hen titta på alla dessa komponenter. Notera dock att vi aldrig kontrollerar själva innehållet i dina dokument.

Scribbrs Förbättringsmodell © är uppdelad i två delar: granskning av ditt språkbruk och granskning av ditt akademiska skriftspråk.


Improvement Model Part 1 – Reviewing your language

Area of Concern Specific topic
1. Have all words been spelled correctly? General spelling mistakes and typos
Compound nouns
Compound adjectives
UK vs. US spelling
2. Have the right words been used? Articles
Word choice
Phrasal verbs
Linking words
3. Have the sentences been written correctly? Subject-verb agreement
Verb choice for collective nouns (singular vs. plural)
Word order in simple sentences
Word order in complex sentences
Word order in lists
Verb tense
Missing words
Sentence fragments
4. Has the correct punctuation been used? Commas
Quotation marks
Long dashes
5. How is the style?  Minimizing passive constructions
Avoiding awkward constructions
Avoiding overly long and complicated sentences
Using appropriate sentence starts
Using varied vocabulary
Using varied sentence structure
6. Is there consistency? Spelling
Verb tense (within paragraphs or sections)
General punctuation
Serial (“Oxford”) commas
Quotation marks


Improvement Model Part 2 – Reviewing your academic writing

Area of concern Specific topic
1. Does the text have an academic tone? Using academic vocabulary
Avoiding inappropriate words and phrases
Avoiding vague and redundant formulations
2. Are quotations written correctly? Making changes to quoted text
Using correct punctuation in citations
Spelling mistakes in citations
3. Are numbers written correctly? Using words or numerals to express numbers
Using commas and periods in numbers
Using symbols and units with numbers
4. Are abbreviations written correctly? Properly introducing abbreviations
Consistently using abbreviations
Following other abbreviation rules
5. Are point of view/voice choices appropriate? Avoiding the first person voice (when requested)
Avoiding the second person voice
Using a consistent voice
6. Is the writing understandable? Avoiding unclear sentences
Using tenses that are appropriate for different sections of a thesis